
Nullawarre and District Primary School is committed to a culture of child safety and to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation. Denise Kelly is our designated Child Safety Officer, ensuring that child safety in our school is prioritised. We encourage parents, children and school staff to discuss any child safety matters with Ms Kelly.

The Victorian Government has introduced Child Safe Standards to improve the way organisations prevent and respond to child abuse. The standards are compulsory for all organisations providing services to children, and aim to drive cultural change so that protecting children from abuse is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of leaders, staff and volunteers. This will assist organisations to:

  • prevent child abuse
  • encourage reporting of any abuse that does occur
  • improve responses to any allegations of child abuse.

The Child Safe Standards are a central feature of the Victorian Government’s response to the Family and Community Development Committee of the Victorian Parliament’s Betrayal of Trust: Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government Organisations (Betrayal of Trust Inquiry).

Our School Council has created, updated and ratified a number of policies which reflect the requirements of the Child Safe Standards and outlines the school’s approach to child safety. Our Student Engagement and Wellbeing policies will identify the strategies we have in place to protect our children. Our Child Safe Statement illustrates our commitment to zero toleration of child abuse. These policies are available from the school office and our Child Safe Statement is publicly available on our school website.

Nullawarre and District Primary School will continue to communicate its commitment to meeting the Child Safe Standards to the school community. The safety and wellbeing of our school population is our highest priority and our first consideration. All allegations and safety concerns will be treated seriously and consistently with our robust policies and procedures. We will also work with students to make sure they understand these important policies.